Welcome, Beloved.
There are no accidents. You have come here because your Higher Self, your Guides and Guardians, your Ancestors, and your Creator have urged you with whispers and nudges to remember who you are.
I am so happy you are here.
There is no question that we are living in a time of great upheaval. The predatory systems we live in are collapsing in real time. There’s a lot of chaos and confusion, along with feelings of hopelessness and fear, as the collective swims in the vast waters of the unknown. We are living in times of deep remembering that will birth a new paradigm. We are being asked to build a bridge between the ancient and the new. This requires a disciplined commitment to remembering Who We Are and What Our Sacred Purpose Is in this lifetime. It requires alchemizing our pain and suffering. It requires collaborating with the unseen and supernatural realms to assist us in our work. It requires remembering and connecting to our ancestors of blood, earth, and stars. It requires deprogramming, decolonizing, and unlearning so we can suspend our disbelief and open ourselves up fully to the mysteries that surround us.
As the predatory, patriarchal systems collapse, our Great Mother Earth is awakening into her ancient and new energy codes. As She awakens, so do we. We are irrevocably interconnected. We are both Her children and Her protectors. Our wombs are connected to the Earth womb, and to the great cosmic womb of Creation. The desecration of the earth and of our ancient ways is purposeful; it disconnects us from our original mother, the Great Mother Earth. The original mother wound within all of us is the desecration of the womb portal. As women, femmes, mothers, people with wombs, we feel Her pain and betrayal in our wombs and hearts. This manifests as illness, sickness, anxiety, and depression. It makes us believe that we are separate, alone, and isolated, when in fact we are held, loved, and supported in ways that are essential for us to reconnect with. Many of us are being called to dig deeper and awaken into our power, a power of many lifetimes that is needed to seed, birth, and build a new way of life.
We need to connect to our sacred purpose in this lifetime to guide us on our path. We need to connect to our ancient ancestors, to the Earth, to the Dark Mother, to our guides and guardians, to our Higher Self, to our supernatural guides and ancestors, and to our star-kin. If you are here, you know in your blood and bones, in your intuition, that there is something bigger at play and that you are part of cocreating it.
One of the biggest deceptions that the predatory patriarchal energies have succeeded in perpetrating is the illusion of separation. They have convinced us that we are separate from Creator, from Mother Earth, from all the energies around us. This loss is profound. We carry in our bodies many generations of deep grief, along with a debilitating sense of not belonging, of not being worthy. We must pull back these layers and repair this disconnect by recognizing our own divinity and power, as well as the divinity and power of all those who came before. We do this by connecting to ourselves, to our lineages, to Creator, and to the supernatural through engaging with the mysteries and by embodying the potent wisdom we carry in our bodies, wombs, and voices.
The creation of Seemorgh Mystery School is both the beginning and the culmination of a lifetime of work and remembering. It is a sacred container for assisting people with wombs in remembering the timeless womb mysteries of our ancient ancestors. It is a sacred container for connecting to the Dark Mother, to Mother Earth, and to the supernatural realms. It is a sacred container for facilitating initiation into seeing yourself, recognizing yourself, and honoring your divinity.
I invite you to step through the portal.
I invite you to listen deeply to your heart, your womb, and your intuition.

What Is a Mystery School?
Mystery schools have been part of Earth traditions going back far beyond our recorded herstories. They were places where gifted visionaries were sent to hone their abilities and powers. The original mystery schools revolved around the Womb Mysteries. Our ancient ancestors knew the power of the womb. They created rites and initiations around the Cosmic Womb, the Human Womb, and the Earth Womb. Every single ancient tradition around the globe speaks to the honoring of these mysteries.
Seemorgh Mystery School is a modern-day mystery school that bridges the gap between the ancient ways and our present reality. While holding the highest vision of creation, the school works with Mother Earth, the Dark Mother, and initiates who are ready to heed the call.
The whole universe rests upon Her,
Rises out of Her and melts away into Her …
She is both mother and grave …
The gods themselves are merely constructs
out of Her maternal substance …
- Hymn to the Goddess, Devi Bhagavata Purana
Kangavar, Iran: Ruins of Anahita Temple
Seemorgh Mystery School
is birthed from the ancient lands and lineages of the so-called Middle East, the areas of modern-day Iran, Turkey, Iraq, and Afghanistan. This area of the world has been one of the most desecrated and destroyed by the predatory patriarchal energies. There are powerful earth portals in these regions that hold ancient and new Earth codes. My oath and my pledge in creating Seemorgh Mystery School is to initiate all wombed bodies into remembering their ancient wisdom and power—especially those wombed bodies that come from this region of the world. This work is essential to the deep healing and transmutation of generational wounds and traumas caused by the desecration of the sacred womb in all her forms and embodiments.
There are layers of initiation that require a disciplined commitment to staying in your body, to opening your heart, and to healing your ancestral and past life wounds and traumas. Initiation is not meant to be easy. It is meant to make you question everything you think you know. It is meant to be uncomfortable. It is meant to assist you in releasing and purging a lifetime of fear, guilt, grief, and trauma. It is meant to connect you to Creator. It is meant to help you remember your inherent divinity. This initiation requires curiosity and an openness to connecting with the supernatural and unseen realms, to connecting with the support that is always with you and all around us. This is where your sacred power lies and will be retrieved.
No one person or system holds the answer. The answer resides in each of us. You are the key to unlocking your ancient wisdom and powers. Seemorgh Mystery School helps facilitate your connection to your body, to the earth, and to the cosmos.
The womb is the eternal mystery of the primordial dazzling darkness that births light into being.
- Womb Awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life
As birthing folx, femmes, mothers, and caregivers, we are mothers beyond the limiting definition of having children. All wombed people are mothers. We are the new matriarchs, carrying through the messages, teachings, healings, and wisdom of our healed and vibrant ancient matriarchs. We are mothers birthing a new world. We are mothers carrying through the ancient and new Earth codes. We are mothers in service to our Great Mother, Earth. Through our actions, our choices, and our lives we create and imprint new systems.
We are divine beings capable of manifesting any reality through action.
Our power and our vision reside in our womb, that profound space where we carry everything from creation to death—the ultimate balance that holds the wisdom of the ancients. A new earth requires us to bridge the ancient and the new. It requires us to connect and travel with each of our indigenous traditions. It requires us to decolonize, unlearn, and deprogram from the harmful and toxic predatory energies of white supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy.
It is time to embody the divine feminine energies of Mother Earth and bring into balance Life and Death, Light and Dark. Remembering and honoring the Dark Mother is essential to bring about the balance that is so necessary in creating a new way of being.
The relentless falsehoods of these predatory patriarchal systems have made us believe we are powerless, unworthy, separate. It is time to reclaim our power, our voices, our wombs.
It is time to remember.
It is time to awaken into your energetic body.
It is time to heal yourself, the Earth, and the collective.
It is time to connect with your womb wisdom and the ancient mysteries.
It is time to honor and bring into balance the energies of the Dark Mother.
It is time to embody the wisdom of your ancient ancestors.
It is time to become a matriarch of the new earth.